ADORO este projecto!!
Com projecto de interiores da Casa do Passadiço esta moradia na Lapa sofreu um profundo restauro pelas mãos da Reply Arquitectura.
Com materiais de alta qualidade e com uma base cromática suave que salienta os apontamentos de cores vivas, esta moradia de 500m2 localizada no centro de Lisboa beneficia de um factor diferenciador e sempre desejável, luz natural. Um projecto a descobrir na Revista Casa Cláudia deste mês!
LOVE this project!!

Casa do Passadiço is the responsible for the interior design project and Reply Arquitectura has done the part of architecture of this amazing house in Lapa that has suffered a profound restoration. With high quality materials and with a base color that highlights the soft touches of bright colors, this house of 500m2 located in central Lisbon enjoys a differentiating factor and always desirable, natural light. A project to discover the Casa Claudia magazine this month!

Imagens: Revista Casa Claudia - Setembro 2011

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2 comentários

  1. I have been discovering many of your posts, and wow you have great posts and I love Portugal. Great you are an architect and love your style.

  2. Thank you so much! I always visit your blog to discover new things and I love your DIY!!

