Projecto do atelier ARX a
Biblioteca Municipal de Ílhavo alia o tradicional ao contemporâneo. Instalada num
edifício dos seculos XVII/XVIII onde apenas a fachada principal e a capela se
Localizado na periferia da
povoação houve uma preocupação em “articular as volumetrias diversas do
contexto, clarificar e consolidar fragmentos urbanos sem aparente sentido de
A ligação com a envolvente é mais
notória e directa nas salas de leitura e no fórum da juventude.
Project of studio ARX the Municipal Library of Ílhavo combines traditional
with contemporary. Installed in a building from the century 17th/18th
where only the main façade and the chapel remained.
Located on the outskirts of the village there was a concern to "articulate the various volumetric context, clarify and consolidate urban fragments that apparently don’t make sense of together."
The connection with the environment is more obvious and direct in the reading rooms and in the youth forum.
Located on the outskirts of the village there was a concern to "articulate the various volumetric context, clarify and consolidate urban fragments that apparently don’t make sense of together."
The connection with the environment is more obvious and direct in the reading rooms and in the youth forum.
I like projects like this, where it combines the dichotomy traditional / contemporary and the outcome in this case, deserves an applause.
Gosto de projectos assim, nos quais se alia esta dicotomia tradicional/contemporâneo e o resultado, neste caso, merece um aplauso.
I like projects like this, where it combines the dichotomy traditional / contemporary and the outcome in this case, deserves an applause.
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