Imagens -
Uma casa vitoriana na zona
oeste de Londres com um cheirinho a tropical, quer pelo terraço, quer pelo jardim
vertical que está verde todo o ano! Com uma decoração muito especial repleta de
objectos de design, como a iluminação da Foscarini e de Tom Dixon.
A cozinha e a casa de banho
foram tratadas com o mesmo cuidado que os outros espaços. Adoro casas
dinâmicas, nas quais podemos mover paredes e ficar com uma sala completamente
ampla e ligada à cozinha, por exemplo. Neste caso, o móvel da cozinha foi muito
bem pensado e permite ser fechado sem deixar ficar visível toda a parafernália que
temos nas nossas cozinhas!
Uma casa com envidraçados
enormes que lhe dá muita luminosidade.
A Victorian house in West
London with a tropical scent, either by the terrace or by the vertical garden that
is green all year round! With a very special decoration full of design objects,
such as Foscarini and Tom Dixon lighting.
The kitchen and bathroom were treated with the same care as other spaces. I love dynamics houses, in which we can move walls and get a room full wide and connected to the kitchen, for example. In this case, the kitchen cabinet was very well thought out and allows it to be closed without leaving visible all the stuff that we have in our kitchens!
A house with huge windows which gives so much brightness!
The kitchen and bathroom were treated with the same care as other spaces. I love dynamics houses, in which we can move walls and get a room full wide and connected to the kitchen, for example. In this case, the kitchen cabinet was very well thought out and allows it to be closed without leaving visible all the stuff that we have in our kitchens!
A house with huge windows which gives so much brightness!
Adorei tudo!