Imagens - Pantone
Bom dia e uma óptima semana!
Ando um pouco ausente, mas o trabalho tem sido muito e nem
sempre consigo dedicar ao blog o tempo que ele merece, mas voltaram os posts
diários cheios de novidades e muita alegria! O tema de hoje já não deve ser uma
grande novidade, mas tinha de escrever sobre a cor de 2013 escolhida pela
É desde sempre uma das minhas cores preferidas! Adoro
misturar verde esmeralda com tons neutros. A cor fica realçada e ganha muito
mais vida e protagonismo. O que acham desta cor? Eu adoro adoro!!
Até amanhã!
morning and a great week!
I’m been a little absent, but the work has been hard and I couldn’t always devote the time to the blog that it deserves, but the daily posts are back and full of news and fun! Today’s theme maybe isn’t such a big new, but I had to write about the color of 2013 chosen by Pantone.
It has been one of my favorite colours ever! I love mixing emerald with neutrals. The colour is highlighted and gain more life and leadership. What do you think of this colour? I absolutely love it!
I’m been a little absent, but the work has been hard and I couldn’t always devote the time to the blog that it deserves, but the daily posts are back and full of news and fun! Today’s theme maybe isn’t such a big new, but I had to write about the color of 2013 chosen by Pantone.
It has been one of my favorite colours ever! I love mixing emerald with neutrals. The colour is highlighted and gain more life and leadership. What do you think of this colour? I absolutely love it!
See you tomorrow!
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