O novo catálogo da Area está fantástico! Já viram? Deixo-vos aqui algumas das minhas preferências.

The newest Area Catalogue is amazing, as usual! Have you seen it? Here are some of my favorite pictures.

A mistura de branco, preto e azul turquesa é das minhas preferidas!

The mixture of white, black and turquoise is one of my favorite!

Em Portugal não é muito comum colocar as camas em frente à janela, mas eu gosto desta maneira de organizar o espaço. O meu quarto também é assim, mas no meu caso, mesmo que não gostasse não tinha muitas alternativas!!

In Portugal isn´t very common to put the beds in front of the window, but I appreciate this way to organize the space. My room is like that, but in my case even if I didn’t like it I wouldn´t have too many alternatives!

Imagens: Area Catalogue 2012

6 comentários

  1. I love the bold stripes! I like the turquoise couch too. I'm not sure if I could commit to the couch. I'm afraid I would get tired of it.

  2. It's a big decision when we talk about a big object with a strong color! I think we have to absolutely love the color and be sure about the rest of the space. This couch would look amazing in a totaly white space with some details in taupe!

  3. Parabéns Marisa! Excelentes escolhas, com muito bom gosto! Adorei! Uma simpatia, e uma excelente profissional! Recomendo vivamente! Margarida Cancela

  4. Love this decor! x Chantal from Beau Lifestyle

  5. Which Catalogue is it? Is there a Website?

  6. The website is http://www.areastore.com/
    They have beautiful images!

