Projecto - Peter Mikic
No bairro de Notting Hill encontramos esta habitação
moderna, masculina e com glamour.
Pertence ao designer de interiores Peter Mikic que se
apaixonou por esta zona londrina e a transformou na sua casa de sonho.
Elegante e com cores sóbrias pontuada por pequenos toques de
cor. As salas de estar não são
o máximo?
Até amanhã!
In the Notting
Hill district we can find this house with the a modern, masculine and glamour
It belongs to interior designer Peter Mikic who felt in love with this London area and turned it into his dream home.
Elegant and sober punctuated by small touches of colour. The living rooms aren’t the best?
It belongs to interior designer Peter Mikic who felt in love with this London area and turned it into his dream home.
Elegant and sober punctuated by small touches of colour. The living rooms aren’t the best?
See you
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