Projecto - Juliana & Tristan
Localizada no meio de Brookvale Park em Inglaterra, esta
moradia de generosos espaços está ligada à sua envolvente pelas amplas janelas e
revestimentos escolhidos para o interior.
A sala de duplo pé direito com estante e o banco corrido em
betão armado com coxim é um dos meus espaços preferidos. Apesar de decoração
minimalista e com apenas os essenciais, esta casa inspira pela simplicidade e
pela relação constante com a natureza.
Até amanhã!!
Located in
the middle of Brookvale Park in England, this villa of generous spaces is
linked to its surrounding by large windows and the materials chosen for the
The living room with double ceiling height with a shelf and the bench in concrete with seat cushion is one of my favorite spaces. Although minimalist decor with just the essentials, this house inspired by simplicity and constant relationship with nature.
The living room with double ceiling height with a shelf and the bench in concrete with seat cushion is one of my favorite spaces. Although minimalist decor with just the essentials, this house inspired by simplicity and constant relationship with nature.
See you tomorrow!
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